According the latest Interfax news article, someone has initiated a large PR campaign against a well-known Russian Publishing House "Kommersant".
It started from a free distribution of the toilet paper rolls near the subway station of "Arbatskaya" in Moscow.
The campaign continued with a large-scale DoS attack against "Kommersant" website, bringing it down for nearly the whole day on 12th of March.
Then, it proceeded into the Googlebombing phase.
Now, searching for the word "засранцы" in Google returns "Kommersant" website near the top of the list:

NOTE: Russian word "засранцы" (spelled "zasrantsy") is a slang word that rather stands for "pigs" (literal translation would be too rude).
The campaign against "Kommersant" is considered to be an act of retaliation for the article where "Kommersant" has slammed the pro-Kremlin movement "Nashi".
It is said that "Kommersant" has lodged a police complaint about the hackers' DoS attacks and the trademark violation (the paper rolls have the "Kommersant" logotype on it).